The meeting will take place in one of the lectures rooms of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Faculties homepage is
Exact address of the location:
Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko
Jadranska ulica 19
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
For directions and location use the map below. The map might show an incorrect location on some mobile phones (location of the Ljubljana University). To be sure you have the correct location, see the above address or use this additional map link.

Lecture room
There is a good WiFi access through the Eduroam network. We will organize guest access as well for those that do not have acess to Eduroam internet roaming service.
Lecture room is equipped with two projectors if you need them. We will provide various dongles to connect your PC to the projector during the conference. If you do not want to use your own laptop, let us know and supply the presentation on a USB stickthat will be used in a combination with the PC that is installed in the lecture room.